About this Site

This site documents technical details of the Default Juno Cassandra Road Deterioration Model (IDM) for analysis of Road Networks.

The Default Road Deterioration model provides a comprehensive and cutting-edge asset management tool that can be used by consultants and Local Authorities for short-to-long term Asset Management analyses.

Specifically, the Juno Cassandra road deterioration model can be used for:

The site is currently under construction and will be progressively updated based on time available to the development team (see below).


Note that details for how to build models for the Juno Cassandra framework is not documented on this site. Instead, to learn more about the Juno Cassandra framework, including detailed documentation and video tutorials on how to build JCass models, please visit the formal documentation site for Juno Cassandra

Development Team

The current version of the Default Juno Cassandra Road Deterioration model for Juno Cassandra is the result of a collaboration between Lonrix Ltd, Juno Services Ltd (https://junoservices.co.nz/) and ASC Ltd.

Note that this development effort was solely based on time donated by the organisations noted above and was not supported by any government funding.

Project Team Members are (in alphabetical order by surname):

  • Dr Khaldoon Azawi (ASC Ltd)
  • Dr Fritz Jooste (Lonrix Ltd)
  • Sanet Jooste (Juno Services Ltd)
  • Dean Sylvester (ASC Ltd)

If you are interested in collaborating and contributing to this research and development initiative, please contact Fritz Jooste at Lonrix Ltd or Khaldoon Azawi at ASC Ltd.