Downloads & Release Notes


Whenever you download and install a new version of Cassandra, you will lose some of the settings remembered from your last session. This includes the location of your license file (if you have a license). So, if this applies to you, please ensure you point Cassandra to your license file after unzipping/installing any new release. You will also have to accept the license agreement again after upgrading to a new version.

Version V-1-3-2 (latest)

You can download this release from this link

New in this Version

  • Added a new JFunction to throw an informative customised error in your model if unwanted values in your data are encountered. You can read more about this function at this help link.

  • Split the Post-Processing menu into ‘Post-Processing’ and ‘Debug’ main menus. The latter menu will hold only functionalities related to Debugging.

  • Potentially Breaking Change The KPI Reporting Functionality has been significantly enhanced so that KPIs do not need to be standard statistics, but can also include weighted sums, percentage greater than or less than a specified threshold etc. This enhancement required a rework of the manner in which KPI sets are defined and we felt that with the expanded functionality, KPI setups warrant a separate setup file. To this end, you now need to define your KPI setups in a file named ‘kpi_setups.xlsx’ in the ‘inputs’ sub-folder of your Cassandra work folder. Contact Lonrix if you have any questions about this feature. You can download the new template for defining KPI setups from this link

  • Improved the post-processing function to view Treatments in a table. You can now choose to display more than one treatment while filtering out those that you do not want to see. Also, treatment costs and quantities are shown with thousand-separators to make it easier to check costs.

Version V-1-2-9

You can download this release from this link

New in this Version

  • Added a new JFunction to handle numeric lookup with interpolation between keys. This function is similar to Excel’s VLookup() function but automatically iterpolates between keys, and optionally extrapolates when the value to loop up falls below the minimum key or above the maximum key. For more details, please refer to the help documentation for this JFunction. Note that you can also use this JFunction to define a Piecewise Linear Model with the X-Y points specified in the form of a lookup table rather than a pipe-delimited set.

  • The tool provided to look up element indexes on a secondary set (e.g. a committed treatments set) was improved to handle cases where a single row in the committed set overlaps several elements. This tool is called ‘Add Element Indexes to Data’ and is useful for assigning element indexes to your committed treatment set. You can find this tool under the Tools menu (only enabled after you set your Work Bench).

Version V-1-2-4

New in this Version

  • The post-processing tools for Treatment analysis has been modified so that the Routine Maintenance treatment is included in the breakdown. Previously, Routine Maintenance was excluded by default.

  • Fixed a bug that caused the treatment data for the last modelling period not to be shown in the grid for the post-processing tool for Treatment Breakdown.

  • Initialisation year omitted from the display of Treatment data since the model does not effectively apply (i.e. resets condition) for treatments that occur in-or-before the initial model epoch.

  • Improved the decimal display for Spending/Treatment Cost data display in post-processing tools.

Version V-1-2-1

New in this Version

  • Added a feedback function on the Parameter Forecast post-processing tool that allows you to double click on any cell and view the full set of predicted model parameter values for the selected element and epoch.

  • The Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) setup can now be overridden within the Project Setup file. Similar to Lookups, this allows you to modify the weighting factors used in the MCDA analysis without modifying the underlying domain model. Note that this is an Optional feature - you do not need to define the MCDA setup in your Project File (in which case the Domain Model setup will be applied.) If, however, you add a sheet named ‘mcda_setup’ in your Project Setup file, then the data in this sheet will be assumed to represent your MCDA weighting factors and this will override the data in the Domain Model.

Version V-1-1-8

New in this Version

  • Workbench Settings and Configurations are now stored in an external Setup File (Excel file) that you need to select when you open Cassandra. This reduces the need for a complex User Interface (UI) and allows you to keep a record of your work bench and configuration settings for a project.

  • Cassandra Desktop now no longer requires an internet connection or a requirement to log in. Projects and Domain Models are no longer stored in the cloud but locally on your desktop.

  • A new JFunction was added to allow you to use Multi-Column Lookup tables in your Domain Models. For more information about this functionality, see this link.

  • Fixed a bug which caused the last row in the committed treatments table not to be read and applied.

  • Added feature that allows you to cancel a model run while it is in progress. Note that the model will run to the next modelling period before the cancellation is effected. Thus, for a large and complex model, it can take a while before the model run actually stops. For smaller models, cancellation will take effect almost immediately.

  • Added a feature in the ‘Budget Utilisation’ function under the Post Processing menu that allows you to see the surplus or unspent amound in each budget category for each period Previously, this function only showed the percentage of the budget that was utilised. Now you can view either the percentage utilisation or the surplus in each period.