The Framework Model

Approach Outline

In this section, we discuss the key aspects of the Cassandra framework model’s approach to select and place treatments during the modelling period.

Framework Model Outline

The figure below conceptually shows the key steps involved in Juno Cassandra’s selection and optimisation of treatments. In this figure, tasks shown in blue are aspects handled by the Cassandra framework model. This code runs without any need for the user to customise or alter it.

The tasks shown in orange involve domain models as defined earlier. In each of these modules, the domain model handles the logic specific to the domain in question (e.g. specific trigger conditions or specific equations to determine deterioration increments). As indicated by the blue outline around the orange blocks - the framework model remains responsible for calling the domain model elements at the correct stage of model execution.

Figure 1: Framework Model Outline

It is important to note that the image shown above is a generalised description of the framework model. Depending on which model type is being run, some steps may be omitted or - for some specialised models - additional steps not shown here may be executed. For a discussion on the different types of framework models available, see this page. More types of framework models will be added over time.

Parameter Data Initialisation

This task involves the population of the model parameter table for Epoch 01. Figure 2 below shows a schematic example of what is involved in model initialisation:

Figure 2: Parameter Initialisation

As shown above, parameter initialisation mainly consists of extracting, from the raw input data the fields that represent the starting conditions for each model parameter. Here, by ‘model parameter’ we mean an aspect of a domain model such as element age. Here we differentiate between raw input data and model parameter data. These two key data components are discussed in more detail in this section.

Although the bulk of the work done in parameter initialisation will concern the extraction of data from the raw input data, other tasks may also have to be done during the initialisation stage. For example, you may have a Machine Learning (ML) model that predicts the likely service-life of a component. You may want to use this model during the initialisation stage to make a prediction and set the value in a corresponding model parameter so that the domain model can make use of it later on.

You may also want to create new parameter values from the raw data, as opposed to using the raw input data ‘as-is’. For example, your raw input data may contain detailed material types (such as ‘stainless steel’, ‘carbon-fibre’, ‘cast-iron’ and ‘PVC’), but you want your domain model to make decisions based on a more general classification such as ‘metal’, ‘concrete’ and ‘other’. In such a case, your initialisation routine will most likely make use of lookup tables that you can define as part of your model setup file.

It is, however, strongly recommended that you do as much as possible of these types of data processing tasks in the pre-processing stage, so that the fields you need to assign to parameters are pre-defined in your raw input data. This will move some complexity out of the (already complex) domain model into the pre-processing stage which means you can view and validate the input before the model run starts.

Trigger Candidate Strategies

In this step, the framework model will loop over all elements and pass into the domain model’s trigger function the raw data as well as the model parameter data for the previous epoch. Your domain model should now consider these data and decide which strategies to put forward for the framework model to evaluate.

In a Benefit-Cost Analysis model, a “strategy” denotes a sequence of treatments to be placed at different times during the period over which the benefits and costs for each strategy should be evaluated. This evaluation period is called the ‘lookahead’ period and can be different from the modelling period. For example, you may want to evaluate and compare treatment strategies over a 15-year period even though your model will only run for 10 periods. This is not a problem - Cassandra will automatically do cost benefit evaluation over the lookahead period in each modelling period.

Each treatment strategy you put forward for an element needs to have the following attributes:

  • A first treatment, which will be placed in the current model period, IF the strategy is selected by the optimisation algorithm.
  • One or more follow up treatments, each specified by a treatment name and time after first treatment. Follow up treatments should be marked as “forced” or “unforced” (to be discussed below).

It should be noted that Cassandra does not perform strategy generation in the way that some other models do (including the existing JunoViewer DMS model). Instead, the Cassandra framework model relies on you to use your domain knowledge to only put forward realistic candidate strategies for the current year based on the parameter data situation in the preceding epoch.

For example, for a road network model, you may consider the current element surface age and condition, and then decide to put forward for evaluation two candidate strategies:

Strategy 1: Rehabilitation followed by a forced Second Coat Seal 1 year later followed by an unforced Reseal after 9 years;

Strategy 2: Pre-Seal Repairs followed by a forced Seal 1 year later, followed by a Rehabilitation after 9 years;

You can put forward as many such candidate strategies as you want, but bear in mind that each strategy needs to be evaluated over the lookahead period, which means that for each strategy a mini model run needs to be executed for the element in question. This is a CPU-intensive process that will slow down your model if you propose implausible strategies that are in any event unlikely to be picked during the optimisation stage.

In a Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) model, you trigger individual treatments to consider for the current year (as opposed to strategies). Here, instead of relying on an economic analysis to select optimal treatments, you rely on engineering judgement and a-priori knowledge of which treatments perform best economically in which scenarios. For modellers that want more control over treatment selection, yet still have an element of Multi-Objective Optimisation to select optimal treatments, the MCDA model is the preferred method of optimisation.

Evaluate Life-Cycle Cost and Benefit

If you are using a Benefit-Cost Analysis model Cassandra will evaluate each candidate strategy by comparing the area under the curve for a specified Objective Function (this should be a model parameter) as compared to a (Routine) Maintenance-Only strategy. The Maintenance-Only strategy will be automatically generated as part of the strategy evaluation. This strategy includes no renewal treatments except for triggered routine maintenance.

A debug feature of Cassandra allows you to drill down into the strategy evaluation data for any element. Figure 3 and Figure 4 below show examples of graphs that use the debug information exported by Cassandra.

Figure 3: Strategy Evaluation Example 1

Figure 4: Strategy Evaluation Example 2

Why No Strategy Generation?

It was noted above that Cassandra does not do automated strategy generation. This is by design after careful consideration of our experience in this area. By scanning ahead and generating multiple strategies, automated strategy generation seems like a good approach to find the true best time to place a treatment.

However, it should be noted that this ‘true best’ only considers the element in question. In this strategy generation and evaluation process, there is no notice taken of the broader network situation and budget constraints. These evaluations follow later, when the ‘best’ strategies (typically those on the Pareto Front) at the element level are selected.

The strategy generation process may suggest that the best time to treat a specific element would be a rehabilitation four years from now, followed by a seal eight years later. Again, this assessment is completely divorced from the network situation - if the network has a backlog to be addressed and there is budget available for rehabilitation - then, in the view of most asset managers - those needs will override the “perfect placement time” that suggests the treatment should wait four years.

The Cassandra Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) approach evaluates each strategy based on a first treatment in the current model period, and then picks optimal strategies using a Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) approach which includes Treatment Suitability Score (TSS) and Cost, coupled with other parameters the user may want to consider such as Emission Indicators, Element Category, Element Risk Aspects etc.

In the Cassandra Benefit-Cost Analysis (BCA) approach, we believe the approach of targeted strategy selection in the current year is on balance superior to a brute-force strategy generation. Such strategy generation processes, when implemented, typically comprise 90% of model run time and make models more complex to control and more difficult to debug. Moreover, the fact that most of the generated strategies will not lie on the Pareto Front implies a significant waste of computer resources, leading to significantly longer model run-times for little or no overall benefit.

Selection of Optimal Strategies - Benefit-Cost Analysis

As indicated earlier, the strategies put forward by the Domain Trigger model are evaluated using area-under-the-curve Cost-Benefit analysis. Once this evaluation is completed for each candidate strategy, Cassandra needs to pick the strategies that optimally satisfies the specified budget constraints. The set of picked strategies are then added into the treatment set and the available budget for the period is reduced accordingly.

When Cassandra evaluates whether a strategy can fit into the budget constraints, it also considers future treatments against future remaining budgets, but only for future treatments flagged as “forced”. Generally, treatments far in the future should not be marked as forced so that these treatments will not disqualify strategies in the current model period if they happen to exceed the budget in some period far into the future.

To ensure optimal treatment selection based on Benefit-Cost data, Cassandra has different optimisation options. These include methods are heuristic techniques that rely on Incremental-Benefit-Cost analysis. Lonrix is also working on a more rigorous optimisation algorithm based on Dynamic Programming (Multiple Knapsack Algorithm).

Selection of Optimal Treatments - MCDA

If you are using a Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) model, triggered candidate treatments are evaluated using the Multi-Objective Optimisation by Ratio Analysis (MOORA) method. This is a highly flexible method that allows you to specify multiple objectives to be optimised. Here, you can include economic considerations such as cost, but also aspects such as condition, age and exogenous factors (e.g. element criticality, CO2 emission factions, etc.)

Trigger Routine Maintenance

After the optimal strategies for the current model period are picked, Cassandra scans all of the model elements not treated in the current period. These elements are then given to the Domain Trigger Model function to check whether routine maintenance is triggered. This function, which you can customise, will receive the raw input data and current model parameter values for the element.

Using this information, your maintenance model can then decide which, if any, routine maintenance is needed. Only one maintenance treatment can be picked for an element in a given period.

The Routine Maintenance trigger acts as a sweeper to check whether maintenance is needed for those elements which did not receive a treatment in the current year. Currently, triggered routine maintenance is prioritized using a simple ranking of the Objective Function (future versions of Cassandra may include a more sophisticated method for prioritising routine maintenance). Maintenance treatments are added for the current period until the available maintenance budget for the period is exhausted.

Reset or Increment

After selecting optimal strategies and routine maintenance, Cassandra evaluates each element in the following manner:

  • For elements without any selected Treatment or Routine Maintenance in the current period, all model parameters are Incremented using the Domain Model’s custom Increment function.
  • For elements to which a Treatment or Routine maintenance has been assigned, relevant model parameters are Reset using the Domain Model’s custom Reset function.

Your customised domain models that apply increments or resets can be as simple or complex as you need to make it. A simple approach could use lookup tables to select and apply increments, or you can code increments using equations such as those defined in the World Bank’s HDM models (Paterson 1987).

As mentioned in the Introduction, one of the key design objectives of the Cassandra framework was to ensure that modern Machine Learning models could also be used in the increment and reset functions. Similarly ML models trained on observed data can be utilised for the triggering of Routine Maintenance.


Paterson, W. D. O. 1987. Road Deterioration and Maintenance Effects. Models for Planning and Management. London: Johns Hopkins University Press.


  1. An epoch marks the end of a time period. see this link for more information↩︎